Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Solving the Puzzle

In my opinion, the process of teaching in a school setting can be linked to the idea of completing a puzzle. This is because there are many different types of students that an instructor will encounter within their classrooms, just as there are many different shapes and sizes of pieces in a puzzle. This idea can also be related to the purpose of a puzzle, which is to connect its various pieces in order to produce a larger image. Much like this idea, the students that an instructor may meet in their profession may have various learning needs, such as disabilities and contrasting styles of learning, which may impact their performance in the classroom. However, the instructor must accommodate each of these needs in order for her students to be able to adequately complete their schoolwork. Therefore, much like the puzzle is completed at the end of the process of making it, the ideal result of the process of classroom instruction is that each student is connected to the academic material through the good quality of the instruction that the educator gives and the various pedagogical methods that are included in her lessons.

Over the period of the semester, I have realize that the process of schooling is more successful if it caters to students as individuals rather than students as a larger group. I have seen many posts in the blogs and discussion posts of the other students in this class that espouse similar ideas, such as those that discussed the integration of children with various learning differences into general educational programs, and how certain students who they have met in their formative schooling may have been more successful within a more individualized school atmosphere due to their various challenges in life. Also, I have discovered that there are many different forms of classroom instruction that deviate from the traditional school, but are very successful in regards to instructing children in academic knowledge. I agree with the ideological beliefs that these methods of instruction are based in due to their recognition of the failure of the public school system to provide students with varying forms of instruction that will both increase their interest in academic knowledge and allow them to learn in ways that provide them with the most comfort in the school setting. Finally, I now know that teachers have more responsibility to provide their students with a decent academic experience than students do to actually learn, as the latter group is essentially unable to succeed within the classroom if the former group cannot provide them material in a manner that they can access, such as if the teacher fails to support a certain learning style that a student may have.
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